Let’s Connect


When you contact me there is never any obligation to go ahead with any of my services. We can have a friendly chat and decide if it’s a good fit to work together. I’ve answered some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below to explain common things that may come up. If you’d like to get in touch you can use the form below and I’ll reply within 2 working days.



Let’s Connect





FAQs - Yoga


What happens in a yoga class?

You will be guided through a breath practice, followed by some warm ups leading to sequential poses and some qigong practices, moving to a cooling down period and then a relaxation. The classes on Monday morning, Wednesday evening and Friday morning are all open to mixed ability. The dynamic yoga class on Tuesday evening is for experienced yogis who have had at least a couple of years experience and is more advanced.

What do I wear for yoga?

Comfortable and easy clothes that you can move freely in. The practice is carried out with bare feet. You are encouraged to bring props such as eye bags, pillows, blankets, cushions and bolsters to aid the practice and to ensure you can be truly comfortable and warm for relaxation.

What if I have health issues?

You will be asked to complete a health questionnaire. Yoga poses can be adapted for most conditions and if you are very restricted in movement please try the Yoga Gently class on Wednesday evenings 6-7pm.

Food & Drink

Please do not eat a heavy meal for two hours before a class and drink plenty of water to ensure you are fully hydrated.


I am not trained in pregnancy yoga and would suggest that if you are pregnant you find a class led by someone who has completed the training.


FAQs - Celebrancy


What is an independent celebrant?

An independent celebrant is trained to provide a custom-made ceremony which is unique and personal, separating the legality from the commitment celebration. By working with an independent celebrant there are no legal limitations, or restrictions on what you can include in your ceremony.

Are the ceremonies religious?

The ceremonies can be religious, humanist, pagan, spiritual or any mix. It is up to you to decide the essence of your ceremony and how you wish it to be shared.

What about same sex ceremonies?

Absolutely, I conduct same sex ceremonies. It is important to register your marriage legally via a Registry Office. You can make an appointment for the same day as your ceremony that can be performed by me at your chosen venue.

Where can ceremonies be held?

Ceremonies can be performed anywhere you wish, although burials have legal restrictions.